Inevitable Love Read online
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It is amazing how you think you know someone so well until a life-altering decision comes into play, and how quickly that person changes into someone you don’t know at all. Anna and I didn’t always despise each other, there was a lot that led up to our harsh feelings towards the other, but I refuse to think about all of that. Right now, I have a beautiful, gray-eyed beauty in the backseat that needs some chicken nuggets and french fries. As much as I don’t care for Anna’s behavior or her lack of involvement in our child’s life, she gave me Sawyer, so I can’t hate the woman too much.
We stop at a drive thru and find a hotel for the night because I’m too tired to drive any farther, and I know Sawyer is starting to get restless. Six hours on the road wasn’t a bad way to start the trip, especially considering we didn’t leave Colorado until five in the evening. Hopefully, with an early start tomorrow morning, we’ll get a good chunk of the drive done.
Within thirty minutes of checking in, Sawyer is fed, bathed and in her bed, snoring so loudly she sounds like she’s sawing logs. Can’t say I blame her, actually I think I envy her. The kid can pass out within minutes, anywhere. No need for a pillow, blanket, or hell, even a comfortable position for her. I shoot off a text to Marsh letting him know where we’ve stopped for the night and instantly get a reply wanting confirmation when we pull out tomorrow morning. I also send a text to Anna, which doesn’t get any response back, guess she’s too busy to be concerned about Sawyer again tonight.
Trying my hardest not to allow myself to get worked up again over her, I just let it go. She really makes me want to break stuff, and I can’t do that right now with Sawyer sleeping beside me. I just need to get to Virginia and find a gym so I can work out some of my aggression. Obviously, that will have to wait. Instead, I lay in bed mentally checking off everything I need to do when we arrive. The top of the priority list is to ask Marsh if we can crash at his apartment for a little while longer than we had originally discussed until I can find our own place.
That is definitely a conversation to be had over a couple of beers. I know Marshall won’t mind, but he’s overprotective of me, and especially of Sawyer. I know he’ll be worried we’re going to struggle for money, I haven’t exactly told him that this move is not a spontaneous decision. Our Dad knows we’re coming there permanently, and he’s actually been expecting me to pack us up for awhile now. I started applying to local schools over the winter break, knowing that Anna’s behavior wouldn’t change, and she was the only thing that kept me tied to Colorado. After talking it over with her, a whole fifteen-minute conversation, she agreed that moving closer to my family was best for Sawyer.
I keep replaying that conversation over and over in my head, along with how the length of our stay is going to be extended conversation will go over with Marshall, and eventually drift off to sleep.
I wake up to a text going off. There’s only one person who would text me at 11:00 a.m. on a weekday. I know it’s Marshall before I even remove the pillow from my head.
Marsh: Wake up girl, I’m headed to pick you up. Get ur ass ready. Be there in 30.
Me: No, sleeping.
Marsh: Get ur ass up or I‘ll dump a bucket of ice water on u.
Me: Locking my door.
Marsh: I have a key dumbass.
Me: Where are we going?
Marsh: Surprise. Now, get ready.
Me: Ugh...fine. I gotta run by Home Depot today too.
Marsh: Y?
Me: New locks, ASAP.
Marsh: ???
Me: Some asshole keeps showing up & letting himself in like he lives here. ;)
Twenty minutes later, I’m freshly showered and dressed, enjoying a cup of coffee while waiting for Marshall to show up. Just as I sit down, the arrogant asshole comes waltzing in like he owns the damn place. He’s wearing a gray University of Colorado shirt and jeans.
“Morning, sunshine,” he says with a shit eating grin, as he grabs a cup from the cabinet and fills it to the brim with coffee, MY coffee. He knows I hate when people help themselves to my shit, especially my coffee.
“Please, tell me what, for the love of God, is so important that you felt it was necessary to wake me up and force me out of bed??” My coffee hasn’t kicked in; I’m usually in bitch mode until my second cup hits me. Marshall’s damn grin isn’t helping my already foul mood. This shit he got me out of bed for, had better be damn good.
He sits down on my couch and kicks his feet up on my coffee table, takes a nice big gulp from his cup, then smiles. “Well, dear, we’re going shopping.”
Excuse me? “Shopping?”
“Yes, shopping. Number one, you need a new outfit for this weekend. I’m tired of seeing you in the same ten get ups every time we go out. Number two, I want a new outfit, and you know you’re the only person who I’ll believe when they say something looks good on me. And number three, I have a surprise for you, after our shopping is done.”
Marshall’s phone chimes with an incoming text. After reading it and taking one last gulp of his coffee, he says, “Let’s go, princess. The surprise is waiting. I’ll drive today.” He drops his cup in the sink and waltzes right back out my door.
We arrive at the mall shortly after, and I have to admit, I’m really glad we brought Marshall’s vehicle. I love his truck; a sleek, blacked-out F150 Raptor. It’s sexy as hell. And I especially love it when he lets me drive it, which isn’t very often. You know that saying ‘chick magnet’? When I am driving that nice ass truck, it’s a ‘dick magnet.’ That is until Marshall’s big intimidating ass jumps out of the passenger side. Anyway, he let me drive today, I’m sure it’s his subtle way of making up for the wake-up call this morning. He knows how I am about my sleep.
I love shopping with Marshall; we’re both quick and to the damn point with it. It’s not a full day event to find each of us an outfit or whatever it is we’re looking for.
We decide to knock out my outfit first, which Marshall has so graciously decided MUST be a dress. Did I mention that I despise dresses? Anyway, at Charlotte Russe I find a perfect dress for my body and some adorable wedges to match, both of which are, of course, Marshall approved. I have to try the dress on. I have to try every top I buy on, one of the many lovely benefits of being big chested. Once I make quick work of switching back into my jeans and shirt, I exit the dressing room and go pay for my purchases, while Marshall walks out of the store to take a phone call.
For his outfit, we walk into Abercrombie, which is odd because Marshall never wears Abercrombie. Even more odd, he tells me to pick out a button-down shirt for him, he never wears button-down shirts unless it’s a formal event. Marshall can say he values my opinion when we’re shopping, but honestly, that’s a lie. The man is an absolute control freak, especially about his wardrobe. He goes with some dark wash jeans and the charcoal gray button-down shirt I picked out. He normally rocks the hell out of a polo shirt and jeans, but on the off chance he lets me dress him, I sex him up. I imagine what I’d like to see him wearing, and what I’d love to take off of him if he were straight.
I would say that I’m just being weird today, but then I notice that he grabs a size too small in the shirt. I’ve shopped for him many times; I know his size, as well as I know my own. Something is off today, and he’s been texting or on his phone nonstop since we got here. Maybe he’s bringing a guy to meet everyone this weekend! But, why would he need to buy an outfit for the dude? That can’t be what’s going on with him. Marshall is like me and doesn’t want the hassle of being in a relationship. I really wish I knew what was going on with him.
“You want to go eat now that we’ve finished shopping?” he asks, all the while still texting.
Okay, I’m done with this. “Oh I’m sorry, were you talking to me or doing that stupid talk to text thing on your damn phone? Because if you’re asking me to go sit down and eat a meal with you, that phone needs to go in your pocket and not come out again unless you want it shoved up your ass.”
That got his attention. Looking at me, with an amused face, he says, “Wow, never took you for the jealous type, T. Maybe we should rethink the whole boyfriend thing for you. If you had a boyfriend, maybe you wouldn’t bite my head off for texting while we’re together.” Then the shit winks at me, he winks!
“Whatever, you ass, you know you’d be lost if I ever got into a relationship. Whatever would you do without me at your beck and call everyday? Nope, I stay single to benefit you just as much as I do it to benefit myself. I’m just a giver like that,” I say, batting, my eyelashes at him.
“One of these days, Tessa, you’re gonna run into a guy that will knock you on your ass.” Huh, yeah right, I think to myself. Marshall and I agree on most things, but my unwavering commitment to be unattached is one subject we butt heads on. He’s determined that I will meet someone and just fall madly in love. I, on the other hand, know that’s not how my life will play out.
We make our way to one of the surrounding restaurants outside of the mall. I decide to run to the bathroom while we wait for a table. As I wash my hands, I’m reflecting on how grateful I am that I showered this morning before Marshall came stomping in with all of his ‘important plans.’
At least I don’t look like the complete mess I feel like. I cleaned up pretty good, considering how much I drank last night. My fitted tee and jeans are very slimming, and my huge chest is pretty well contained today. Although, my comfy pajama pants and racerback tank top - the typical Tessa hangover wardrobe - would be ten times more comfortable right now. Even though I’m rocking my nerdy black-framed glasses, I still look decent. I can pull the smart look off sometimes, I just choose not to on most days. Overall, I look better than I feel.
Ugh, let me just get through this lunch, so I can convince Marshall to
drop me off at home. Then I can get a nap in to sleep off the rest of this hangover.
Coming back to the front of the restaurant, I see that Marshall is squatted down speaking to a little girl, who looks to be about three or four. I walk up just as he stands and swings the girl into his arms; it’s very obvious they know each other. For one, Marshall isn’t a hands on kind of person in regards to kids. He likes to admire them from a distance normally, just like I do. Secondly, this girl is latched onto him, and Marshall is eating it up! I’ve never seen him in this element before. Wow, it would be a crime if he doesn’t have the opportunity to be a father someday. I can tell he loves this little girl, whoever she is, very much, and I’ve only seen them together for sixty seconds.
Marshall finally catches me watching them; about the same time that I notice this girl is alone. Where are her parents?! The young girl sees me, and starts chatting away to me.
“Hi! Are you Mawshy’s gurlfwiend? You’re pwetty. I like her Mawshy.” This is all in one breath. How the hell do little kids talk so fast?
This is too much to take in; I know I have the ‘deer in the headlights’ look right now. I’m still reeling over how absolutely beautiful this little girl is, at the same time, I’m trying to place who she is and where she came from. Also, she thinks Marshall is straight?! Girlfriend, me? We’re going to have to have a heart to heart on that one if this little girl is going to be around long. And she called him Marshy??? Oh, shit, she asked me like five questions! I guess I need to answer her so the little beauty, and Marshall for that matter, will stop looking at me like I’ve lost my mind.
“Hi, sweet girl, I’m Tessa, one of Marshy’s friends. What’s your name?”
No response is made to me, instead she goes back to talking to Marshall. “Did you hear that!? She called me sweet gurl, Mawshy! I likes her alweady, can you mawy her?” And, the ‘deer in the headlights’ look is back. Marriage? To a gay man? Yes, me and this girl seriously have to talk. Marshall just casually laughs it off, like he deals with this type of situation on a daily basis.
The hostess comes over and tells us to follow her to our table. As we walk through the restaurant, I’m too dazed to even realize that not only is this girl still in Marshall’s arms, but that we’re heading to a table for four, not two. Just as soon as we sit, Marshall begins to catch me up.
“Tessa, this is...Hey! Over here,” Marshall stands and starts waving at someone. I turn to see who he’s calling over. And. My. World. Just. Stops. The man coming over to our table is drop dead fucking gorgeous. I don’t believe in love at first sight, but my God, this guy has me questioning that belief.
This is too much to handle. First the weird shopping experience, then a kid appears out of nowhere, now the most handsome guy I’ve ever seen is sitting down next to me. Holy hell, I need a drink. Or maybe I’m still drunk. God, could this day get any weirder? Am I allowed to drink in front of this kid? Is it rude if I just order a beer?
The guy sits, leans over, and kisses the gorgeous gray-eyed girl. “Did you behave while I was on the phone?”
“Yes, Daddy. I met Tessa! She’s Marshy’s gurlfiwnd and they are giddin’ marwied!” She all but shouts. Yep, with a quick scan of the restaurant, I’m pretty sure everyone in the general vicinity believes I’m engaged to Marshall now. Thanks, kid! I was planning on hitting on your dad, but that’s not happening now! See, cockblocks, yet another reason I don’t do kids. Wait, she called him daddy. Well, okay, so at least I know this kid isn’t Marshall’s from one of his very small group of heterosexual relationships.
“I highly doubt this Tessa, is Marshy’s girlfriend, Sawyer. And I know they are not getting married. She’s most definitely not his type, so how about we let him introduce us, okay?” hot dad says in a sweet voice to the girl, Sawyer.
I really hope he knows Marshall very well, because if not, I’m quite offended. Why wouldn’t I be Marshall’s type? Well, aside from the fact that I don’t have the proper equipment to satisfy him, but does this dude know Marshall that well? Oh shit, maybe he’s with Marshall, and that’s why he corrected her so quickly! I’m so confused by all of this, and my mind is going a mile a minute trying to figure it out.
Obviously Marshall catches on that I’m completely lost and finally decides to clear the air and my confusion.
“Tessa, this is your surprise,” He nods his head towards the man and little girl.
Hello deer, meet headlights.
“I’m sorry? I’m so lost right now, Marshall. I’m gonna need you to elaborate for me.”
A beer is magically placed in front of me. With a knowing wink, Marshall claims that he ordered them while I was ‘zoned out staring at Sawyer.’ I take a long pull of my beer, and nonchalantly check out hot dad again.
He’s got light brown, almost blonde hair and dark blue eyes. The body of a swimmer -that I can only imagine will be the material for my next B.O.B induced orgasm - and a five o’clock shadow that I’m physically aching to touch right now. The man is sexy.
Of course, Marshall would decide to interrupt my ogling of this glorious specimen. I’m sure he could rock my damn world for a night or two. Ugh, focus on Marshall...
“This gorgeous girl here is the only other woman in my life that you ever have to share me with, Tessa.” He places a hand on top of her head. “This is my niece, Sawyer.” Realization smacks me in the face. Marshall only has one niece, who belongs to his one brother. So that means, that glorious specimen that I was already planning out my seduction on is Hunter Stevenson, twin brother to my best friend. And completely off limits to me. “And this is the one and only Hunter. Hunter, this is my girl, Tessa, who I’ve told you so much about.” Oh God, I can only hope he hasn’t told Hunter too much about me.
Well, apparently he does know Marshall well enough to say that I am not his type.
“Hi, Tessa, it’s great to finally meet you, Marsh has talked about you so much. I feel like I know you already,” he says gracing me with a panty-melting smile. Ugh, it’s going to be so incredibly hard to not hit on him. At least he’s only in town for a week or something like that. Gah, I’ve got to start paying attention when Marshall talks.
“Uh, Hi. It’s good to meet you too. Sorry, I’m just taken aback,” I say. “I thought you weren’t coming in until the weekend? And I didn’t realize you were bringing your daughter.”
“Well, we ended up having a rather large change of plans and came into town early. I actually need to talk with you more about that whole situation, Marshall.” All of this is said while maintaining eye contact with me. Marshy is too wrapped up in coloring with Sawyer, that he didn’t even hear Hunter. “And by the way, did you get the stuff for me?” he asks, finally looking away.
“Yeah, if you don’t like it don’t blame me, I didn’t pick,” Marshall says while handing his shopping bag over to Hunter. After pulling out the clothes and looking them over, he looks back to me, “You picked out my clothes?”
I nod, unable to form a response.
“Thank you, I wouldn’t have anything to wear this weekend if you hadn’t done this.” Yep, that’s me, just here to help pick out sexy outfits for gorgeously blue-eyed men. This was so not my intention when I picked out the outfit! Now every single woman in the bar will be undressing this guy with MY fantasy outfit! I’m the one who should be undressing him. Here I thought undressing Marshall in that get up would be nice, but Hunter, oh yeah, I’d love to see what’s under that sexy charcoal gray shirt.